The Look & The Feel® Branding

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Using Color Psychology In Your Branding (+ a free tip sheet!)

Do customers prefer certain colors of a logo?

Color and its significance have been studied for many, many years. Studies have shown that people feel differently about a logo, based on what color it is displayed in. While cultural differences and our own personal life experiences can influence our individual reactions, there is still a basic understanding behind certain colors that are important to know when choosing the right colors for your brand.

Today I want to explain the psychology behind color so that you can make the right choices for your brand color scheme. I’ve also created a free tip sheet that you can download, save, or print out so that you can reference it at any time. I hope it’s helpful for you!

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Blue is typically perceived as a calm, trustworthy color. Companies use it to emphasize stability and to create trust with their consumers. It’s popular among social media sites, corporations, and air/water/sea companies. It’s believed to suppress appetite, so you probably want to steer clear if you are in the food industry.

Green is the color of nature and represents balance, growth, wealth, and serenity. It also promotes positivity. Darker greens relate more to wealth and growth, while lighter greens are more calming.

Yellow is a bright, energetic color. It represents cheerfulness, happiness, and positivity. It also grabs attention easily (this is why taxi cabs are yellow). It works for all ages, and it's believed to stimulate appetite. Go for it, restaurateurs!

Orange represents energy. It’s a fun, inviting, and playful color. It’s perceived as less overpowering than red, so it’s a great color to use for high-energy brands. Like yellow, it’s associated with happiness.

Red is a passionate color, the color of our blood, danger, and war. It’s a very dramatic color, and it's used to grab attention (think red clearance signs). It’s been known to raise blood pressure and stimulate appetite. It can be a very overpowering color so use it minimally.

Purple is the regal color of royalty. It’s very rarely found in nature. It evokes feelings of creativity, serenity, and artistry. Purple is  believed to evoke feelings of nostalgia. It’s also  great to use for luxury brands (specifically dark purple), while lighter purples tend to be perceived as light and feminine.

Pink is, you guessed it, considered feminine, soft, and delicate. It’s a friendly and light-hearted hue, which is great for use in bold, modern brands. Add a pop of color with bright pink and make a statement! Use it sparingly, though, because it’s a commanding color. Like purple, lighter pinks are considered more feminine and soft. But hey, it's 2017, so we say that pink can be whatever you want it to be. 

Download your free tip sheet here!

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